
A trip to the dental office is not only physically exhausting but often tends to leave your head spinning. While part of it can be attributed to the noisy dental equipment, it majorly results from trying to grasp the various technical terms thrown your way. It gets increasingly difficult to understand what you are signing up for as a layperson. Frantic searches on the Internet lead to an information overdose that often leaves you more confused.

Frankly speaking, dental treatment is quite expensive, and blind investment is not a choice. It is the age of aesthetics, and nobody wants to have anything less than the Hollywood smile, but there’s little you can do to change the natural colour of your teeth. Rigorous bleaching and laser whitening only help up to a certain extent.

In this case, veneers and crowns are the gateways to claiming your Hollywood smile. Veneers and crowns are the ultimate means of changing your existing tooth shade, favouring sparkly white ones. To help you make an educated decision, we have compiled a detailed guide on the differences between veneers and crowns.


Key Differences between Dental Veneers and Crowns

A layperson may fail to recognize that there are a plethora of differences between the two. The significant differences include the following:

The Extent of Preparation and Coverage

Dental veneers cover only the front portion of the tooth, and all other surfaces are natural. The dental crown covers all the surfaces, including the biting part and thus, they are also extensively known as caps. The depth of preparation also significantly varies as the veneers are barely a millimetre in thickness and the preparation conserves the tooth structure. The dental crowns are almost double in thickness and require more extensive circumferential preparation.

Therefore, a significant portion of the natural tooth structure is trimmed for tooth preparation with crowns, while veneers aim to retain as much tooth structure as possible.


The crowns and veneers are similar in appearance, and no one other than your dentist can tell the differences between the two by merely looking at the restorations.


The veneers are predominantly used for their role in cosmetics. Seldom they are also used for functional purposes such as for fixing chipped and broken teeth. On the other hand, the crowns have a great practical and cosmetic value, whereby the functional aspect outweighs the ornamental. Crowns are extensively used to restore extensively damaged, decayed and weakened teeth.


The dental veneers are predominantly used for anterior teeth but can rarely be used for the posterior teeth. The crowns are used for all teeth, including anteriors and posteriors but are extensively used for premolar and molar teeth. Moreover, the crowns can be used in conjunction with implants as well as natural teeth, while the veneers are strictly used on the natural tooth structure.


The dental restorative material used for the fabrication of both is primarily identical. However, there is a lot more flexibility and variation available when choosing materials for crowns.


Durability is a relative concept, particularly in terms of dental restorations and may vary from case to case. Generally speaking, the crowns are a lot more durable than the veneers.


How is a Crown different from Veneer in terms of Pricing?

The veneers and crowns have different pricing due to the differences in materials, their extent of preparation and coverage. The cost of getting a crown is much higher than veneers. However, in terms of service life, the crowns outlive the veneers.

The cost of dental crowns is often covered in dental insurance if recommended for practical purposes. However, the veneers have an exclusively cosmetic sense, so insurance rarely covers them.


Crowns vs Veneers: Which One is the Correct Choice for You?

The crowns and veneers both have practical and cosmetic purposes. To determine which one is a better choice for you, it is essential to consult your dentist. Only a dental professional can recommend which treatment should you opt for after thoroughly assessing and evaluating your mouth.


Why Choose WeCure?

Now that you have a thorough knowledge of the differences between the two, it is time to schedule your appointment with the dentist. Some things are easier said than done, and a dentist’s appointment rank on top of that list. Scheduling a dentist’s appointment, particularly post-pandemic, is an arduous task in the UK because everything is backlogged. Moreover, even the thought of getting cosmetic treatment can leave you bankrupt.

Let’s suppose you manage to get an appointment and arrange the required amount of money to afford treatment in the UK, getting veneers and crown requisites for several appointments. It may require you to take time off from work, and in turn, your annual leaves will be deducted. Deduction in leaves means fewer opportunities for leisure. The dwindling financial assets to afford the treatment cause are already a distressing source.

Well, what if you could go on a treatcation where you enjoy leisure time alongside getting your treatment done at an affordable cost? Sounds like a dream, right? We Cure is here to turn all your dreams into reality with our treatcation packages where you can enjoy a holiday in exotic resorts of Turkey and get your treatment done at an unbelievably affordable price.

All our treatments are carried out under the supervision of internationally accredited, highly specialized dental professionals in the exotic holiday resort of Antalya in Turkey. Our quotes for crowns and veneers are all-encompassing and cover every single aspect, from treatment to accommodation to transfers and all other elements. A personal concierge is also available at your disposal round the clock to ensure hasty resolution of all queries.

WeCure takes pride in being one of the best service providers in the industry. The impeccable quality of our service is reflected in our highly trained and internationally accredited staff, our top-notch dental clinic and the use of top-quality equipment.

What is stopping you from booking your appointment? Book a complimentary consultation with us today.


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Dental implants can be a godsend—these are life-like tooth replacements that will make your teeth look even more beautiful than they are. But before you head to your local dental facility, there are a few things you need to know about dental implants first. Take note, too, that not everyone is “eligible” to have a dental implant.


Jaw Bone Density

Not everyone can get a dental implant for the reason that it needs something to latch onto. Dental implants use the jaw bone to achieve a secure grip for the replacement tooth. However, a lost tooth may cause your jaw bone to shrink, which means that the longer you have a missing tooth, the more your jaw bone may shrink. In fact, the jaw bone can eventually collapse and get reabsorbed by your body.


High Success Rate

You’ll be surprised that a lot of people have gone through a dental implant procedure. In fact, the person next to you might have one also. That’s the thing about dental implants; they look so real that you won’t be able to distinguish it as an implant. That said, the success rate for dental implants is high. However, the dental health of an individual still plays a huge factor here, so the success rate still varies.


Eating Habits

Unlike other dental treatment options, a dental implant will not have a substantial effect on your eating habits. You can still enjoy your food by naturally chewing it. There’s no need to be extra mindful when you’re eating because that implant will barely budge from all that chewing. Dental implants will function like natural teeth.


Risk of Implant Failure

Despite the high success rate of dental implants, there’s still a risk of implant failure, and this is pretty common for smokers. Smokers are at a higher risk for dental implants to fail because a smoker’s mouth takes much longer to heal, and in some cases, it just doesn’t heal. That said, many dentists would advise patients to quit smoking before and during the healing process.


Dental Implant Is a Process

Getting a dental implant will take time. In fact, some cases may take months to complete depending on the number of implants required. What makes the dental implant process take longer than usual dental treatments is that there might be a need for tooth extraction and bone grafting, both of which take time.


These are the most important things that you need to know about dental implants. A good dentist that you’re comfortable with is crucial to the process. The most important part here is that you’re comfortable with your dentist to have a dental implant procedure done. Dental procedures are not cheap, especially in the UK but it’s possible to find an affordable treatment plan that will suit your budget – just get in touch for a complimentary consultation.

Make your teeth shine and look even better—a good set of teeth brews self-confidence.

If you’re looking for dental treatment, get in touch with us to see how we can help.


Book your complimentary dental consultation