Picture this: You’re dreaming of a flowing mane that would make even the most glamorous Hollywood star jealous. So, you dive headfirst into the world of hair transplants, expecting a fairytale ending in the form of a luscious-looking head full of hair. But wait, what’s this? Sometimes, even carefully planned hair transplants take an unexpected comedic twist. 

Hair transplantation has emerged as a popular cosmetic procedure for individuals seeking to restore their natural hairline and regain self-confidence. While the success rates of hair transplants have improved significantly over the years, occasional instances of failure can still occur. Understanding the causes behind hair transplant failure is crucial to make informed decisions and minimize the risks associated with the procedure. 

We’re all guilty of craving that flawless head of hair. But let’s face it, life loves to toss a few curveballs our way. So, have you ever wondered what happens when the promise of perfect hair turns into a comedy of errors? Let’s find out together!

The Causes of Hair Transplant Failure

Hair transplant failure can occur due to various factors that can hamper the success and desired outcomes of the procedure. Let’s delve into some of the key culprits behind hair transplant failure:

Poor Candidate Selection

 “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the best candidate of them all?” Choosing the wrong candidate for a hair transplant is like expecting a seed to grow in infertile soil. It’s a recipe for follicular frustration! So, can anyone waltz into a hair transplant clinic and walk out with a lush mane? Think again!

Selecting the right candidate for a hair transplant is like choosing the perfect actor for a leading role. It requires careful consideration and a keen eye for suitability. Factors such as age, donor hair availability, scalp condition, and overall health are crucial in determining the procedure’s success. Candidates with unrealistic expectations, extensive hair loss, or inadequate donor hair may not achieve the desired results and are prone to experiencing hair transplant failure.

Inadequate Surgical Skills

 “Hey, doc, got any tricks up your sleeve?” Performing a hair transplant is an art that requires surgical prowess. But what happens when an amateur takes centre stage? Cue the comedy show! Picture a surgeon trying to transplant hairs like a bumbling magician attempting to pull rabbits out of hats. Oh, the follicular calamities that can ensue!

Hair transplantation is an art that requires a skilled artist. Surgeon expertise and experience are paramount in creating a natural-looking hairline and ensuring the proper placement of grafts. Like hiring a trapeze artist to juggle flaming torches, trusting an inexperienced surgeon with your hair transplant is a recipe for a fiery spectacle. You might end up with hair that’s more reminiscent of a flaming disaster rather than a gracefully flowing mane.

The surgical technique employed during a hair transplant plays a vital role in the success or failure of the procedure. A poorly executed technique can result in unnatural-looking hairlines, improper graft placement, damage to the existing hair, or an increased risk of graft survival failure. Surgeons with insufficient experience, inadequate training, or outdated methods may contribute to hair transplant failures. It is crucial to choose a qualified surgeon who follows modern techniques and stays updated with the latest advancements in hair transplantation.

Insufficient Donor Hair Supply

“Hair, hair, everywhere, but not enough to share!” Imagine a hair transplant clinic running out of donor hair mid-procedure. It’s like a bad hair day that just won’t quit! So, can you fathom the frustration of running out of precious follicles, leaving a half-finished masterpiece atop someone’s head?

In the world of hair transplants, the availability of donor hair is as precious as a limited-edition collector’s item. Unfortunately, there’s no magical wellspring of unlimited hair follicles. When the supply runs out, the challenges begin. Imagine trying to build a majestic sandcastle with just a handful of sand. As you struggle to create the fortress of your dreams, frustration builds, leaving you with a half-built structure that doesn’t quite live up to your grand vision.

Improper Planning and Execution

Planning and execution are key to any successful endeavour, and hair transplants are no exception. But what happens when plans go awry? Hair transplantation is a meticulous process that requires careful planning and precise execution. It’s like assembling furniture from a certain Swedish store without the handy instruction manual. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue? Screws in the wrong places, missing pieces, and a final product that bears little resemblance to what you had in mind. Similarly, a hair transplant without proper planning can lead to a chaotic mess, leaving you with a head of hair far from your envisioned masterpiece.

Graft Mishandling

Graft mishandling is a delicate matter, quite literally! These little guys are more fragile than a soap bubble at a rock concert. The grafts harvested during a hair transplant are fragile and susceptible to damage. Improper handling, excessive drying, or prolonged exposure to air can compromise their viability. Grafts should be carefully handled using specialized tools, stored in a suitable environment, and transplanted promptly to minimize the risk of failure. Negligence or mishandling during grafting can lead to poor survival rates and a failed hair transplant.

Post-Transplant Care Neglect

Post-transplant care is as vital as watering a plant to help it grow. Neglecting proper wound care, washing techniques, and lifestyle adjustments can have dire consequences for your newly transplanted hair. Skipping post-transplant care is like adopting a pet rock and expecting it to grow into a magnificent bonsai tree. Without the necessary care and attention, your transplant might wither away, leaving you with a lifeless rock garden instead of the flourishing forest of follicles you hoped for.

Underlying Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions and lifestyle factors can contribute to hair transplant failure. Chronic illnesses, autoimmune disorders, or uncontrolled diabetes can hinder the healing process and affect the success of the transplant. Also, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or poor nutrition can compromise blood circulation, impede healing, and impact the survival of transplanted grafts. Prioritizing overall health and addressing underlying medical conditions is crucial to ensure the success of a hair transplant. So put down that cigarette, grab a green smoothie, and let your hair flourish like a well-watered garden.

Bottom Line

Hair transplant failure can occur due to a combination of factors, ranging from poor candidate selection to surgical technique and postoperative care. By understanding these causes, patients can make informed decisions and minimize the risks associated with the procedure. It is essential to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon, follow pre and postoperative instructions diligently, and maintain overall health to maximize the chances of a successful hair transplant.

By choosing WeCure, you can bid farewell to all these worries and hassles. WeCure is the ultimate solution that connects you to highly experienced surgeons with a proven track record of successful hair transplants and excellent aftercare. Plus, we offer medical care in the exotic resorts of Turkey, so you can enjoy a relaxing vacation while transforming your hair. Our team of experts will guide you through the entire process, from the initial consultation to postoperative care. 

Imagine lounging by the pool, sipping a refreshing drink, all while knowing you’re in the capable hands of skilled professionals who have perfected the art of hair transplantation. WeCure combines the best of both worlds – a stunning destination and world-class medical expertise. Don’t let fear hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards a successful hair transplant by booking a consultation with WeCure today. Trust us, your hair will thank you, and you’ll be rocking a head of hair that’s the envy of everyone around you!

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What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure involving moving hair follicles from a donor area of the scalp (usually the back of the head) to a recipient area experiencing hair loss or thinning. The hair follicles are typically harvested using a micro punch and then transplanted to the recipient area using the FUE (follicular unit extraction) or FUT (follicular unit transplantation) technique. Hair transplants can be used to treat male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, and other types of hair loss.

Who should consider getting a hair transplant?

A good candidate for a hair transplant is someone with healthy hair growth in the donor area and sufficient donor hair to transplant to the recipient area. Hair transplants are typically not recommended for individuals who have extensive hair loss or those who have an insufficient amount of donor hair. Additionally, those who have certain medical conditions, such as a bleeding disorder, may not be good candidates for the procedure.

How long does the procedure take?

The length of a hair transplant procedure varies depending on the number of hair follicles being transplanted, but it typically takes several hours to complete. The length of the procedure also depends on the technique being used, with FUE typically taking longer than FUT. Patients should plan to spend the entire day at the clinic or hospital where the procedure is being performed.

Is the procedure painful?

The procedure is typically performed under local anaesthesia, meaning patients may experience discomfort or pain during the anaesthesia injection. However, most patients report minimal discomfort during the procedure itself. Patients may experience soreness or discomfort in the donor and recipient areas following the procedure, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medications.

How long does it take to see results?

The timeline for hair transplant results can vary depending on several factors, including the type of hair transplant procedure performed, the patient’s individual healing process, and the rate of hair growth.

In general, most patients will begin to see initial results from their hair transplant procedure within 3 to 4 months after the procedure. This initial growth will typically be thin and fine but gradually thickens and becomes more noticeable over time. By 6 to 9 months after the procedure, most patients will see significant improvement in the thickness and density of their hair in the transplant area. It can take up to 12 months or more for the full results of the hair transplant procedure to become visible.

Are the results permanent?

The results of a Is a hair transplant one-off? can be permanent, as the transplanted hair follicles are usually resistant to hair loss. However, it’s important to note that hair loss may still occur in other areas of the scalp over time. To maintain the results of the hair transplant, some patients may need to undergo additional procedures in the future.

How long do hair transplant surgery scars last?

The duration of hair transplant surgery scars can vary depending on the technique used during the procedure. With the FUT technique, the scar from the incision can be visible for several months after the procedure but can become less visible over time. With the FUE technique, the scars can be less noticeable than with FUT but can be more widespread.

The size and appearance of the scars will depend on factors such as the technique used and the individual’s healing process. Patients should discuss the potential for scarring with their surgeon before undergoing a hair transplant procedure and follow the aftercare instructions provided by the surgeon to minimize scarring.

Is hair transplanted from one person to the other?

No, hair is not typically transplanted from one person to another in hair transplant surgery. The hair used in a hair transplant procedure is taken from the patient’s own scalp, usually from the back or sides of the head, where hair is typically thicker and less prone to thinning or balding.

Hair cannot be transplanted from one person to another because hair cells carry specific genetic information unique to each individual. Transplanting hair from another person could cause the recipient’s immune system to reject the transplanted hair follicles, resulting in the failure of the transplant.

Additionally, hair transplant surgery is an elective cosmetic procedure, and transplanting hair from one person to another could raise ethical and legal concerns.

Is hair cloning the same as a hair transplant?

No, hair cloning is not the same as hair transplant surgery. Hair cloning is an experimental hair restoration technique involving using a patient’s hair follicles to create new hair follicles in a laboratory setting. The newly created hair follicles are then transplanted into the patient’s scalp to grow new hair.

In contrast, hair transplant surgery involves taking healthy hair follicles from one part of the patient’s scalp (usually the back or sides of the head) and transplanting them to bald patches on the scalp. The transplanted hair follicles will grow new hair in the recipient area over time.

While hair cloning is still in the experimental stages and is not yet widely available, hair transplant surgery has been performed for many years and is a proven technique for restoring hair in patients with hair loss.

Do the results from a hair transplant surgery appear natural?

The results of a hair transplant surgery can appear natural when performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon. To create a natural hairline, the surgeon considers the patient’s hairline, facial features, and hair growth patterns. During the procedure, the surgeon carefully places the transplanted hair follicles to mimic the natural growth pattern of the patient’s hair, resulting in a natural-looking appearance.

How much does a transplant cost, and is there financing available?

The cost of hair transplant surgery can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of procedure, the extent of the hair loss, and the location and experience of the surgeon. On average, the UK’s cost of hair transplant surgery can range from £4,000 to £15,000 or more.

Financing options for hair transplant surgery may be available through some clinics, such as payment plans or financing options through third-party financing companies. Researching and comparing different financing options, including interest rates and repayment terms, is important to find a plan that works for your budget and financial situation. However, it’s important to remember that hair transplant surgery is an elective cosmetic procedure not usually covered by insurance. Patients should be prepared to pay for the procedure out of pocket or through financing options. Choosing a reputable and experienced surgeon is also important, even if it may mean paying a higher cost upfront.

Are there any alternatives to hair transplant surgery that I should consider?

Yes, there are several non-surgical alternatives to hair transplant surgery that you should consider. Following are a few options. However, it’s important to note that these non-surgical treatments may not work for everyone and may not provide the same results as hair transplant surgery. It’s best to discuss your options with a qualified healthcare professional to determine which treatment is right for you.


Two FDA-approved medications for treating hair loss are minoxidil and finasteride. Finasteride is an oral drug, whereas minoxidil is a topical solution that is applied directly to the scalp. Both medications can help slow down or even reverse hair loss in some patients.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy

It is a non-surgical treatment that involves injecting concentrated plasma from the patient’s blood into the scalp. The plasma contains growth factors that stimulate hair growth and improve hair thickness.

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) 

LLLT is a non-invasive treatment that involves exposing the scalp to low-level laser light. The light is thought to stimulate hair growth by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation in the scalp.

Scalp micropigmentation

It is a cosmetic tattooing procedure that involves applying pigment to the scalp to create the appearance of hair follicles. It can be a good option for patients with thinning hair but not candidates for hair transplant surgery.

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Photo by Justin Chen on Unsplash

A hair transplant is a long-term remedy for balding and hair thinning, but whether you need additional transplants is a subjective matter that takes a thorough response after taking into account a range of personal and environmental concerns.

The Hair Loss Conundrum

Have you ever noticed that every time you brush your hair, many strands of hair get caught in the brush? The American Academy of Dermatologists estimates that a person loses 50 to 100 hair strands on average every day.

Telogen effluvium, a temporary increase in daily hair loss caused by stress, sickness, or other emotionally and physically draining circumstances, is a condition that affects around a third of the population. The good part is the temporary nature of the condition and the fact that it tends to resolve on its own without medication and remedy. But, if you’re a guy or woman who’s suddenly suffering accelerated hair loss and the ensuing visible hair thinning or bald spots, you can attribute it to the disappearance of active follicles. The possibility exists that you may have androgenic alopecia, which is another name for male- or female-pattern hair loss.

Androgenic alopecia is typically a permanent condition, and even with treatment and medication, the hair lost as a result of it does not usually grow back.

Hair loss is a frequent yet traumatic occurrence due to its destructive consequences on the affected individual’s appearance and self-esteem. Thanks to the development of modern medicine, even if hair loss is irreversible, you don’t have to live with baldness for the rest of your life. Your hairline and all of its former splendour can be restored through a variety of medical treatments and surgical procedures, such as hair transplants. But one worry that arises in the thoughts of individuals exploring the concept of getting a hair transplant is whether this procedure is a cyclical process or a one-time procedure.

How Long Does Hair Transplant Last?

One of the recurrent questions asked by individuals planning to undergo hair transplant treatment at speciality clinics is, 

“How long will the hair transplant last?”

“Will I have to undergo hair transplant treatment again?”

The good news is that if hair transplants are performed after a careful history and assessment by a qualified specialist, they typically last a lifetime. In essence, it means that you only need to have a hair transplant once in your lifetime to benefit from a restored hairline for the rest of your life. The procedures aim to provide long-lasting results by migrating healthy hair follicles from the donor site with a high density of follicles to the area of the head that is bald.

Typically, the part of the head used as the donor location is one that has been scientifically proven to have permanent hair retention. For instance, male pattern hair loss is characterized by a receding hairline followed by thinning or balding at the crown while the majority of the hair on the back and sides remains intact. Therefore, the hair retentive areas serve as excellent grafts.

Factors Affecting Longevity of Hair Transplant

You can achieve natural-looking, long-lasting hair with either a FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant. The fact that none of the hair restoration experts can guarantee long-lasting results is, nevertheless, startling. It can be ascribed to a variety of elements that may have an impact on how long hair transplant outcomes last.

The facility standard and surgeon experience

By selecting a cutting-edge hair restoration clinic run by a group of highly skilled professionals, you can be confident that your surgery will be performed with the latest technology and with little margin for error. Likewise, it implies that the likelihood of the treatment succeeding is increased. The two criteria work in tandem to decide the outcome since they have an effect on how the graft is handled, which directly affects the outcome.

Underlying condition

The underlying condition is another crucial element that directly affects how the hair transplant turns out. It also specifies the treatment strategy to be used in order to get the intended outcomes. An experienced doctor can also outline the procedure to achieve the desired and long-lasting outcomes and offer you a more accurate depiction of what to expect from the hair transplant.

Quality of graft

The quantity and quality of hair follicles removed from the donor site affect the quality of the graft. The graft quality and ensuing improvement in the hairline’s appearance and lifespan are directly proportional to the number of active follicles.

Technique employed

Hair transplant is an umbrella term for various operations used to achieve a full head of hair and repair a receding hairline. FUE, FUT, and DHI are a few examples. The technique of choice has a direct impact on the appearance and results obtained.

Will I Have To Undergo A Hair Transplant Ever Again?

Have you had a hair transplant and are wondering if you will need another one in the future? Even though hair transplants produce results that are, in more than 80% of cases, permanent, the chance of undergoing another procedure a few decades from now cannot be completely ruled out since, as time passes, the hair around your transplant may begin to fall out, which can cause a balding appearance that can be corrected by a further hair transplant.

Hair Transplant at WeCure

The standard of the facility and the expertise of the hair restoration specialist are the two most crucial factors that affect how long your hair transplant lasts. WeCure is a highly reputable choice because of its professionals’ outstanding credibility and track record of successful hair transplants. What exactly are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment for your free consultation visit right away to alter your hairline forever.

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Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Are you worried about the higher prevalence and more frequent occurrence of hair loss? But did you know that you tend to lose more hair the more you stress about it? Ironically enough, worrying about hair loss seems to worsen it, perpetuating the vicious cycle. Stress has ingrained itself into our modern lifestyles, equally affecting people of all ages and genders. It is not a myth, as scientific evidence links psychological and emotional stress to poor health impacts, including hair loss.

The Science Behind Hair Growth and Loss

Understanding the lifespan of scalp hair is crucial before delving into the specifics of how stress is related to hair loss.

The hair cycle starts with anagen, the growth phase, during which the hair emerges from the scalp’s hair follicle and is nourished by the vascular system at the follicle’s base. It is followed by the transitional phase of catagen, during which hair stops growing and separates from the source of sustenance at the follicle’s base. The resting phase or telogen comes next, which causes hair to fall out. The hair development cycle restarts at the anagen stage if the follicle is healthy.

How Does Stress Affect the Hair Cycle?

Researchers at Harvard University studied the effects of prolonged stress on mice to ascertain the relationship between stress and hair loss. It was determined that greater psychosocial stress causes the anagen, or growth phase, to terminate sooner and causes the telogen, or resting phase, to last longer in the hair follicles. Additionally, it was discovered that eliminating the glands that produce the stress hormone accelerated hair growth. These results demonstrated that stress impairs hair growth and accelerates hair loss.

Stress has a similar effect on the human hair cycle, causing a halt to hair growth and regeneration while escalating hair loss.

What Type of Hair Loss Is Caused by Stress?

Since it is a normal part of the natural cycle of hair regeneration, losing 50 to 100 hair strands every day is not a major concern and is not seen as hair loss. But, there’s a good probability that it’s something serious and worrisome if your hair loss accelerates suddenly. There are a few types of hair loss that stress can cause, including:

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium is among the most frequently encountered signs of stress. Normal hair follicle activity alternates between the telogen (or resting phase) and the anagen (or growth phase) phases.

Telogen effluvium is a transient condition that prevents the hair from entering the anagen phase and keeps them in an extended telogen phase, which results in an increase in hair loss even while no hair is growing back. As a result, your hair seems thinner, and your head is covered in numerous patchy bald areas. The condition is typically not very serious; within six to ten months, the hair returns to its normal growth stage.

Alopecia Areata

Contrary to telogen effluvium, alopecia areata is a severe disorder in which stress triggers an autoimmune reaction in which the body’s defence cells assault healthy hair follicles, resulting in dramatic hair loss. Additionally, the condition is not limited to the scalp and can impact all of the body’s hair follicles. On the scalp and other parts of the body, many pronounced bald patches are apparent and huge.

The hair follicle is not permanently destroyed, unlike in androgenic alopecia, and the surviving hair follicle may spontaneously regenerate hair without any supportive therapy. The hair follicle can sustain permanent harm in some extreme circumstances.


You might find it difficult to believe, but for many people, hair follicle extraction is the cause of hair loss and hair thinning. Trichotillomania, commonly known as the hair pulling disorder, is a psychological condition in which a person pulls their hair out of their scalp unintentionally or purposely in response to stressful situations or unpleasant emotions. Until the bald patches are apparent, the person is frequently unaware of their behaviours.

The hair loss normally stops when the affected person stops pulling hair out, and it usually requires psychological support.

How To Know If Your Hair Loss Is Related To Stress?

One of the many causes of hair loss is stress, but how can you tell if that’s the only thing to blame for your thinning hair?

The fact that stress-related hair loss typically occurs after a physically or emotionally taxing period of your life is one of the primary signs of the condition. It might come after a protracted sickness, a tragic life event like a loved one’s death, or intense financial or work-related stress. Additionally, it should be emphasized that stress-related hair loss is typically transient and goes away between three to nine months. A dermatologist frequently examines your scalp to evaluate and make a diagnosis.

How To Reverse Stress Hair Loss?

Stress-related hair loss typically resolves on its own within three to six months without the need for therapy, but small lifestyle adjustments can accelerate the recovery period. The good news is that you can make a few modifications to your way of life to preserve your health while also learning how to successfully manage your stress to keep these uncomfortable situations from happening again.

A healthy, balanced diet that includes the necessary macro- and micronutrients in addition to the multivitamins prescribed by your doctor is crucial. Regular exercise also supports improved bodily and mental wellness. In addition, it’s critical to exercise self-care, mindfulness, and meditation to reduce the likelihood of chronic stress.

Can Stress-Induced Hair Loss Be Permanent?

The loss of hair brought on by stress is typically reversible, but what if it is permanent? Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is known to be a precursor for male and female pattern hair loss, which are both irreversible disorders, is frequently increased by stress hormones. The ensuing disorder, known as androgenetic alopecia, is irreversible, meaning that the hair that has been lost cannot be regrown. Additionally, some with severe forms of alopecia areata also lose their hair permanently. Does that imply that you will always have to cope with baldness? Certainly not. Numerous procedures, including hair restoration and transplantation, are available to help you regrow hair on your head.

WeCure has professionals that have received international accreditation on board who can assist you in overcoming permanent hair loss that results from stress or any other reason so that you continue to look young. Schedule your appointment immediately to take advantage of our free hair consultation and the opportunity to travel for fun and profit.

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Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Are you a man dealing with menacing hair loss? Well, you are not alone. Over 80% of men today are coping with soul-crushing hair loss. While anyone can be a victim of tragic incidences of hair loss, the phenomenon is far more common in men. What’s even more tragic is that hair loss is not a phenomenon that affects men of older ages, but it begins at tender ages. The endocrine and genetics are the main culprits for fast shedding hair from your scalp.

Top Ten Tips

As a man undergoing hair loss, your aim is not to uncover its cause but to focus on mitigating and corrective therapy.
Here are our top ten tips to getting thicker hair as a man.

Damage Control Practice

The practice of measures minimising the devastating and quick progression is highly underestimated. However, it offers incredibly promising results in the long term. Protecting hair and scalp from damaging influences is the key to minimising damage.

Ideally, it is recommended to give up harsh and chemical-based hair products and switch to milder ones. It is also recommended to wash hair infrequently and supplement with dry shampoo.

A hair SPF prior to venturing in the sun and a well-fitted swimmer’s cap also do wonders by protecting hair from damaging environmental influences. Additionally, it is also recommended to allow your hair to air dry and avoid using hairstyling equipment like hot styling tools as they tend to aggravate hair fall. Therefore, a few restraining measures could do wonders to slow down and eventually stop your speedily falling hair.

Lifestyle Modification Strategies

A lifestyle change is one of the most effective strategies for countering hair loss. The phenomenon of lifestyle change is a broad term that includes many strategies for behaviour modification. For thicker hair, a combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise, good sleep hygiene, and avoiding alcohol and smoking have proven to be effective. Similarly, avoiding processed food rich in sugar and carbohydrates can effectively counter hair loss.

Smartly Choose Hair Products

Thinning hair is a rampant problem affecting men. Therefore, most renowned brands have launched products to minimise and conceal the devastating impacts of hair loss. Choosing a thickening shampoo and conditioner in addition to a good volumising product in the form of cream, gel, or powder usually offers promising results.

Often men get carried away and use too many thickening and volumising products, which prove to be counterproductive. Therefore, it must be noted that less is more, and it is always better to stick to one or two products at max.

Styling For A Thicker Appearing Mane

Often the hair thinning appears more dramatic and pronounced because of the existing haircuts. It is always a good idea to consult a professional hairstylist and change your current haircut with one that makes your thinning hairline appear voluminous. A hairstyle that creates the illusion of a fuller head combined with scalp pigmentation creams offers remarkable results.

Hair Fibres – The Ultimate Savior

Hair fibres are perhaps the newest addition to the market and the product that has proven to make your head appear fuller instantly. The product comes in the form of spray, powder, or gel that is applied to the existing hair on the head. Resultantly, the product attaches to the scalp and existing hair fibre and mimics the natural hair in appearance. The hair fibres are an affordable luxury that gives instant results for one-time usage. However, they have no long-term benefits as they neither slow down hair loss nor encourage hair regrowth.

Beware of Stress

Thinning hair and receding hairlines are bound to be a source of stress, mainly because they influence your overall appearance. Hence, hair loss can also have harmful impacts on self-esteem and confidence. In such circumstances, stressing is only natural. However, what you may not know is the fact that stress aggravates hair loss. In short, worrying about your hair loss triggers a vicious cycle where the more you stress, the more your hair sheds. A wise strategy would be to manage stress to i

Nutritional Supplements

Often hair loss results from some underlying vitamin or mineral deficiency. It is always a good idea to consult your primary care physician for a detailed evaluation along with blood and health profiling. Your doctor would prescribe supplement therapy to manage and counter the devastating hair loss. Some of the common supplements, in this case, include zinc, magnesium, iron, vitamin D, and vitamin B complexes, including biotin.

Pharmacological Therapy

Several physicians rely on medication as it has proven to be one of the most effective ways to counter hair growth and encourage hair regrowth on the scalp. One of the most widely used medications for this purpose is Minoxidil. However, the results are highly variable for each individual, and in most cases, the beneficial effects cannot be seen if a significant portion of the mane is already lost.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Recently, using platelet-rich plasma to manage hair loss has gained momentum. The practice involves extracting platelets from your blood through centrifugation and injecting the sourced platelet-rich plasma into your balding scalp. The nutrient and growth factor-rich plasma stimulates hair growth and prevents hair fall. It has particularly shown positive results for male pattern baldness.

Hair Transplant

There are bright chances that over 80% of the hair from your head is gone before you have even thought of managing it. Once you lose the precious strands, your scalp is now barren land, and no hair will ever come out of it. The only way to a head full of hair is through a hair transplant.

The process involves acquiring a hair follicle-rich patch from any area of your body and implanting it on the patches of your head devoid of hair and hair follicles.

Book a free consultation for your hair transplant with WeCure today and embark on our highly revered health tourism program, whereby your treatment will be carried out on an exotic vacation spot under the supervision of highly-trained and renowned aesthetic physicians.

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Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Why is Turkey a Good Destination for Healthcare?

Did you know Turkey is one of the most visited destinations in the world? It is ranked the sixth most visited tourism destination in the entire world! Over the years it has also come to be a very popular medical tourism destination too with over half a million tourists coming in for medical purposes. It has been recorded that during 2016, almost 200,000 medical tourists visited Turkey but this number skyrocketed to over 500,000 medical tourists as of 2019!

One of the reasons these numbers grew was because of an increasing number of tourists from Europe (especially the UK and Germany) and much further afield from the US and Canada. One particular are which saw an increase was with plastic and cosmetic surgery (according to sector representatives; over 700,000 people made a visit for plastic surgery in Turkey).

It was recorded that over 30 million people travel abroad yearly to receive medical care all over the world, spending over $160 billion and Turkey just has become a top ten health tourism destination as of last year, previously ranking 17th from 5 years ago.

Before Turkey became a favorite and popular medical tourism destination, attracting tourists from all over the world, Germany and the United States ranked quite highly, but have been out-ranked not only on the quality of healthcare with Turkey’s internationally accredited clinics and medical professionals but also due to costs, with many procedures available at just a fraction of the total cost in comparison to other countries.

Another supporting factor is the Turkish Governments recognition of the importance of health tourism, with over 60% of the overall investment being subsidised by the state, resulting in even more cost-effective treatments and a higher standard of care in state-of-the-art, modern health facilities.

Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey, now makes almost half of its revenue from medical tourism patients. As of now, Turkey is a great place to visit for any medical condition, ranging from dental treatment, optical care, beauty treatments & cosmetic surgery, Vitro fertilization treatment and of course, hair transplant surgery. Turkey’s and the Health Ministry’s announcement of its plans to increase the number of medical tourists to over 2 million, by way of introducing tax-free healthcare zones for foreign health tourists is also testament to Turkey’s commitment to becoming a global healthcare hub.

Dental Care in Turkey

Turkey is one of the top-rated places to have dental care procedures. With the price of having dental implants being at a mere fraction of what it would cost in places such as the US and UK, it’s no wonder many people flock there for great dentistry. It’s not unusual for there to be more than a 60% saving on dental procedures to what you would have to pay at home for the same treatment.

The main attraction for traveling to Turkey for dental treatment is of course the price. Patients can save on average 50-70%. This is especially true for dental procedures such as a full set of implants, all-on-4/all-on-6 and veneers.

Other procedures, some of which can be done in one sitting while also enjoying a Mediterranean beach vacation, include cosmetic dental treatments such as teeth-whitening, bridges, dentures and even crowns. So if you know your teeth are in a bad state, require attention and you would like to get some work done at an affordable price while being thoroughly effective and at a high-standard, then why not take that dental holiday to Turkey to fix all your problems? It would please you to know that it doesn’t take much of your time and you would get an appointment sooner than you think with a dentist of your choice.

Hair Transplantation Surgery in Turkey

You may be wondering why Turkey is one of the best places to get have a hair transplant. Many people seeking to get hair transplants of different types and for a variety of reasons, decide to visit Turkey not just due to the cost-savings, but because of the extremely high quality and standard of the clinics and hair transplant surgeons, the vast majority of which hold internationally recognised accreditation.

Hair transplant in Turkey increased tremendously in 2018 with over 200 transplants being performed daily! Over 700,000 people were recorded to have visited the country for at least a capillary intervention as over a billion dollars have been generated by medical tourists seeking a hair transplant.

Most medical tourists come to Turkey for hair transplantation due to the substantial savings on offer, more than 50-60% is fairly standard in comparison to countries such as the US and UK.


If you’re still wondering why Turkey is considered to be one of the top healthcare and medical tourism destinations in the world, then read on…

For one, the reason why Turkey is leading the world as a top medical destination is due to the consistent high standards of clinics, health professionals and healthcare in general. In the Joint Commission Internal (JCI), Turkey has the highest number of accredited hospitals in the whole world with at least 47 private hospitals. In total, Turkey has over 580 private hospitals and thousands of public hospitals which have an excellent reputation for providing patients with exceptional quality healthcare services to fit their individual treatments.

In addition to all this, Turkey has a highly functional health care system, with world-leading and highly qualified medical teams. Due to Turkey’s high population rates and the rapidly growing number of patients, Turkish medical staff is well versed in dealing with patients from all around the globe. They are one of the very first countries to successfully operate with high-end technology as each of the clinics are equipped with modern and advanced equipment to suit patients requirements. The minister of health in Turkey follows a policy very similar to the United States’ medical system. Turkish hospitals also provide patients with the best multilingual translators; that way nobody is left behind.

Advantages of Turkey over other Medical Tourism Countries

There are so many reasons why Turkey stands out as a leadign destination for international healthcare. Many of which have been listed above, but don’t forget, Turkey is both safe and easy to travel to too with a regional airport hub and flight connections to pretty much everywhere, it’s never been as easy to travel to Turkey.

WeCure, as your health facilitating parter, only work with world-class, leading health providers providign 5-star, exceptional service to all our clients. Contect us TODAY for a FREE no-obligation discussion about your health care needs – our advice is completely free.


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Get to know your hair options. Here are the different types of hair transplants available today.

People considering a hair transplant generally spend a lot of time researching what type of procedure will work best for them. As a result, a lot of time and energy is spent watching countless youtube videos. Before going down the rabbit-hole, begin your journey with us and learn about all of the modern types of hair transplants out there.


Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE is perhaps one of the most performed hair transplant techniques and is considered the modern-day method of advanced hair replacement technology.

FUE Hair Transplants have major benefits. For one, it doesn’t require a strip of donor tissue to be taken from the donor area and better yet, no scarring. Using the FUE hair transplant technique, each follicular unit is extracted one-by-one directly from donor areas on the scalp with minimal discomfort and patients all claim that post-surgery is relatively pain-free.

Pros Include:

– FUE is less invasive than traditional methods

– FUE leaves no scars

– Fast healing

– Small to no pain

– Hair transplants for any part of the body


Direct Hair Implantation (DHI):

Direct Hair Implantation or DHI is the transplantation of harvested grafts using a DHI Pen, also called DHI Implanter, or CHOI Pen.

DHI uses the CHOI Pen to control the angle, depth, and direction of each new implanted follicle. A major advantage of the DHI technique is the ease of increasing hair density by implanting grafts between existing hairs. Also, there is no need for “canal openings” because the extracted grafts are directly implanted into the recipient area by using the CHOI pen.

Pros Include:

– Reduced time of grafts remaining outside of the body, thus ensuring strong and healthy grafts.

– Excellent hair follicle survival rates.

– Reduced bleeding

– Faster recovery

– The recipient site does not have to be shaved

The Different Types of Hair Transplants

Sapphire Hair Transplant

Sapphire Hair Transplant FUE is similar to the previous technique except these blades are made from a precious gemstone that utilises a different method for canal opening in the recipient area.

Using the Sapphire FUE technique, the canals or the holes are opened by the special sapphire blades with superfine needles instead of slits in the Classic FUE.

In short, the holes have a round shape instead of a lateral one, but this way, each hole will have precisely the same size as the diameter of the hair follicles which means each hole is very small and very tiny.

With the Sapphire FUE method, it is possible to open smaller channels with circular incisions (thanks to the sapphire blades). Therefore, the recovery is shorter than the one with Classic FUE.

Sapphire FUE guarantees a higher percentage of hair regrowth for each hair follicle, thanks to smaller channels that prevent the shift or movement of hair follicles.

Pros Include:

– Incisions are precise and even

– Smoother incisions (micro incisions)

– Incisions of the sapphire blades can be adjusted.

– The possibility of germs attaching to this surface and the risk of infection are reduced.


Body Hair to Head Transplant (BHT):

Body Hair Transplant or BHFUE expands the donor “bank” making this popular among men who do not have a sufficient supply of hair.

The possibility, as our hair transplant experts tell us, depends on several variables, such as the similarity of the hair between body and head, the size of the donor area and the length of the body hair. The body hair growth cycle is different from that of scalp hair. Over the period of 12-18 months, the transplanted hair matures, resulting in permanent and completely natural hair growth.

Pros Include:

– More donor areas

– Thicker density, which means more coverage

– Hair units are separated trimmed, cleaned and maintained


– Healing will take longer


Needle-Free Jet Injector Hair Transplant

Needle-Free (Numbing) Injectors or Jet Injectors uses high air pressure to inject a local anesthetic medication into the skin through its silicon heads. The air pressure ensures an ultra-fast (less than a third of a second) penetration through the skin.

Jet Injectors decreases the pain by 70% and gives comfort to the patients who do not want injection by needle regardless of the reason why. You will not feel any pain. This device is used to numb the extraction and implantation areas before a hair transplant procedure.

Pros Include:

– No needles

– Reduced risk of infection

– Painless

– Superfast transfers means less chance of infections



Harvesting, extracting, follicles, grafts… We know, it’s a lot! And we appreciate it if you made it this far, there is a lot to think about but you don’t have to do it alone. WeCure is here to answer any questions or concerns you may have and to help you decide the best Hair Transplant method appropriate for you.

Get in touch with us today for a free consultation.

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Photo by Gustavo Leighton on Unsplash

Hair is one factor of the human body that makes us easily identifiable to others. Some people are known for their hair or lack thereof. This is why having a full head of hair is so important to people because for most who lose their hair, it feels like a part of their identity is also gone with it. There are many famous people who have lost their full head of hair, but the thing is, not everyone dons the bald-look as well as they do.

With this being said, a viable option would be to try a hair transplant. Some may be wondering if this is something that will last, but do not worry because this procedure is a permanent natural solution to hair loss.


Our Bodies Contain an Ample Supply of Hair

Most people contain an ample supply of permanent hair in their bodies, even in cases of those people who suffer from severe hair loss. Despite losing the follicles in the crown of the head, fibres are still found at the sides and back of the head. These are usually less visible and have less of an impact on the appearance of a person.

During a hair transplant procedure, the healthy follicles are taken from the other areas of the head and moved to the areas where thinning occurs or where it is completely bald. Through processes such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), surgeons are able to replace dead hair follicles with healthy ones. These are carefully done to match the patient’s hair growth pattern to give off a natural look as well as be maintained despite future growth.


Transplants are a Painless, Permanent Procedure

Transplants are a simple surgery and are performed as an outpatient procedure. Although the process is done in less than a day, what takes up time is the work the surgeon has to do to make sure the hairline look as natural as possible and consistent through using correct hair textures and placements for smooth integration with a patient’s facial features.

The DHT hormone that causes hair loss in people is removed once the transplanted hairs are put into place so that as they grow, there are no worries about thinning or excessive hair fall. This is why hair transplant surgery has become so popular in recent years.


Patients May Experience Temporary Shedding

After the hair transplant operation procedure, some people may typically experience slight hair loss or shedding. This is expected due to a stress-related body reaction called Telogen effluvium, which gets released when trauma to the scalp is detected. Since the surgery for transplants is done to the scalp, this causes the body to release a reaction to combat the foreign sensation as a natural process. For around three months, Telogen effluvium will be released regularly, which will halt the bodily process of developing hair and growing it. This is nothing to be alarmed about and perfectly normal as this is merely a short term effect that is followed quickly by long term growth of healthy hair follicles.



Losing a full head of hair is something nobody wants to experience. For many people, hair is a defining feature of their physical appearance, and they take care of it as well as they can. The feeling of having hair grow, along with the ability to get a different hairstyle or get a nice haircut at a barbershop is a priceless feeling.

If you are struggling with rampant hair loss or suffering from deteriorating follicle quality on your head, perhaps it is time to opt for transplant surgery to gain it back.

Here at We Cure, we offer cutting-edge Hair Transplant surgery as well as dental services and mental health therapy. Expect nothing less than quality – contact our team in the UK today!

Get in touch with us today for a free consultation.

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Photo by Rahabi Khan on Unsplash

Thinning hair and balding are common signs of ageing. They can be due to genetics or other health conditions. Sometimes seeing yourself in the mirror with hair loss may cause anxiety, lack of confidence, depression, and other emotional issues.

There are many ways to cover-up this situation, but if you want a more lasting solution,
a hair transplant is what you need to get.

What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is the most permanent solution you can take for hair loss. It also offers a more natural result compared to other options. In this situation, the hair follicles from a healthy side of your hair are removed and placed to the balding part of your head. This, too, can be applied to any part of your body with hair, but it is often used to treat hair loss for men.

Results will also vary depending on your condition. If there are not enough hair follicles for transfer, then a full head of hair will be impossible, but a fuller hair can still be achieved in most cases.

Who can undergo hair transplant?

For a hair transplant to be possible, you should pass both of these conditions:

  1. The thinning area of your scalp should still have its ability to grow hair.
  2. Your head should have enough hair to be transplanted to the area in need of fixing.

The only way to determine this is to consult with your doctor and undergo a scalp exam. Finding out the reason behind your hair loss would also require a blood exam or a scalp biopsy.

After you pass these tests, your doctor can then recommend the type of transplant for you and what result should you expect.

What happens during the transplant?

The surgery process depends on the situations per patient. Some clinics may keep you awake the entire surgery time and inject anaesthesia to make your scalp numb. Some clinics also offer a mild sedative to make the patient unconscious throughout the process.

The duration also depends on your hair condition and the selected process. There are two ways to achieve a more natural-looking output:

  1. Your surgeon will cut a strip of your scalp with healthy hairs. This will take around four to eight hours to finish and may leave a small scar after.
  2. Your surgeon will remove healthy hair from your scalp one by one. This will take longer to finish.

Once the process is done, your whole scalp will be bandaged and you will be given instructions on how to manage your new hair.

What to expect after a hair transplant

The full visibility of your hair transplant results may vary per person. Some might take longer to appear, while some would see the results immediately. The usual effect should be observed in six to nine months after the surgery. Before seeing the results, you should also expect some hair fall and thinning of hair in a few weeks to around three months. Though it may sound alarming, know that it is normal, so there is no need to worry or panic.

Try not to be impatient the entire time as well, and follow all the instructions and medications your doctor prescribed. If you have any questions, don’t forget to also reach out. The wait will surely be worth it!


A hair transplant is a life-changing solution and investment. If you’re thinking of getting surgery, work with someone you can trust. Do your research well and make sure you’re comfortable with the whole process before proceeding. Good luck with your new hair journey!

Need a natural-looking hair transplant? We only work with internationally accredited world-class surgeons and clinics and recommend hospitals and clinics that guarantee quality service. Get your complimentary hair consultation and assessment today, and once satisfied, we’ll help arrange everything for you for peace of mind!

If you’re looking for expert advice from a leading specialist, get in touch with WeCure today to see how we can help.

Get in touch with us today for a free consultation.

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Photo by Rahabi Khan on Unsplash

Is hair loss bothering you? Thanks to the latest technological advancements today, you can now have a hair transplant which is quicker, pain-free and higher success rates. You’ve probably read about it, heard from someone who has had one, and you have likely considered it already. However, before you take the plunge, it’s essential to know how to choose the right hair transplant clinic.

Here are some of our top tips:

1- Ensure They Offer a Free Consultation

Many people who experience hair loss are quick to believe that they need a hair transplant only to find out that it’s too early for that. Therefore, it’s essential to find a hair transplant clinic that offers a free consultation before your treatment. This way, you’ll be able to find out what’s causing your hair loss and the right treatment plan for you.

2- Know If the Clinic Offers the Treatment That You Need

There is no single hair loss treatment — it comes in various forms. So, when choosing a hair transplant clinic, you have to know if the clinic offers the treatment that you need. For example, if your hair has only started to recede, then you might only need a hair loss medication or a Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP) first.

3- Learn about the Expertise of the Physician

When choosing the right hair transplant clinic, you need to ensure they have an excellent team of staff and accredited physicians as well. You can guarantee this by researching the physicians as much as you can. Thanks to the convenience of the internet, you can do this with just a few clicks.

4- Know About the Treatments the Clinic Specialises In

A hair transplant clinic that specialises in one specific treatment emphasises how they are leaders in the particular technology that they use. It’s best to go for a clinic that specialises in the hair transplant treatment that you need.

5- Look for Before & After Photos

A hair transplant clinic must be able to provide you with a sample of before and after photos and references. Not only will this highlight their work, but it will also serve as proof to clients that they do their job well and that their methods are effective. Being able to see various before and after photos may give you the chance to see how well the clinic delivers its results. Look out for client video testimonials as quotes are easily faked.

It will also help if you look for any case studies that the clinic has done over the years. A case study will show you how various patients reacted to the treatment.


Finding a hair transplant clinic may be a challenge, especially for a first-timer. Due to the popularity of hair transplants nowadays, there are a lot of physicians who tapped into the technology, therefore, you have a lot of options to choose from. The tips listed above will help you find the right clinic.

It’s crucial that you are sure that you are with a hair transplant clinic that is right for you. Keep in mind that you have unique needs, and you need to find a hair transplant physician and clinic that will suit them. Research is vital as well as asking for referrals from people you trust.

If you’re looking for expert advice from a leading specialist, get in touch with WeCure today to see how we can help.

Get in touch with us today
for a free consultation.

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