A Guide to Aesthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry
No matter how much you believe that humanity is evolving significantly in every aspect, the idea of perfection isn’t all as it seems because many people still struggle with the appearance of their teeth.
A sad truth of life is that not all sets of teeth are made equal: some are pearly white and straight, others are yellow but still straight, while others are yellowed, crooked, and blemished at the same time. Fortunately, being born with a dental imperfection doesn’t mean that you’ll have to live with it forever. In fact, aesthetic dentistry is one field of dentistry that can help solve this common problem.
Aesthetic dentistry in a nutshell
The field of cosmetic dentistry, to put it simply, is a specialised practice that focuses on improving the overall appearance of any patient’s teeth.
As opposed to other disciplines or practices in the dentistry industry, aesthetic dentistry (or cosmetic dentistry) solely focuses on the process of beautifying everything in the mouth, essentially covering the teeth, bite, and gums. With the help of various practices, tools, and procedures, cosmetic dentists can gradually improve the shape of your mouth and the quality of the smile it holds in the long run.
In spite of the fact that its main goal is to improve the appearance of any set of teeth, however, aesthetic dentistry can also make way for more desired effects and bridges towards fostering improvements in function.
What are the key elements that aesthetic dentistry focuses on?
Aesthetic dentistry, for the most part, focuses on six key elements: the general appearance of your smile, the alignment of your teeth, their colour, shape, position, and overall size. By tackling these key elements with every procedure, aesthetic dentistry can help improve any type of smile and bring the best out of it for decades to come, helping to re-gain that all-important confidence!
The various forms of aesthetic dentistry
When it comes to subcategories, aesthetic dentistry comes in quite a few different forms and guises that serve a variety of highly-specialised purposes. Generally speaking, however, there are three key forms that have become much more noteworthy and essential to any aesthetic dentist’s list of services:
- Non-invasive cosmetic improvements
Thanks to recent developments in cosmetic dental treatment technology, modern aesthetic dentistry procedures are mostly non-invasive, meaning that nothing has to be added or removed to improve the appearance of your chompers. Various non-invasive procedures, such as gum depigmentation, enamel bleaching, and laser whitening, can help bring out your best smile without needing a drastic or costly procedure that can hamper your everyday functions!
- Addition of dental materials
With various tools, materials, and treatment methods taking the modern aesthetic dentistry industry by storm, patients can now transform their smiles to mimic those that Hollywood’s most gorgeous stars possess. For example, gum grafts, porcelain veneers, crowns, and bonding treatments can greatly improve the overall appearance of your teeth with just a few tweaks!
- Removal of dental materials
Dental material removal is one of the core treatments in the field of cosmetic dentistry, albeit being rarely performed as opposed to other procedures and treatments. Such examples of cosmetic dentistry include: removal procedures such as gingivectomy (or the removal of gums), teeth sculpting and reshaping, and enameloplasty (or the precise scaling and removal of enamel).
Final words
Cosmetic dentistry affords any type of person the opportunity to turn their set of chompers into the straight and pearly-white teeth with a slight overbite that they’ve always been dreaming of. If you’re looking to revamp the way your teeth look and become much more confident with each and every smile that you flash, then get in touch with the UK’s foremost cosmetic dental treatment experts at WeCure today!