Is Male Pattern Hair Loss Reversible?

Is Male Pattern Baldness Reversible?

Have you recently noticed a high incidence of hair loss that has significantly reduced the density of your hair? When telogen effluvium is the root cause of hair loss, the condition is totally curable and frequently does not call for medical attention. But if you’re a man in your 20s or 30s and you’re noticing a higher incidence of hair loss associated with male pattern baldness, that’s concerning because the hair loss is typically irreversible and everlasting.

As per research, male pattern hair loss affects 16% of males between the ages of 18 and 29 and 53% of men between the ages of 40 and 49, meaning that the risk escalates with age. If you’re unsure about what male pattern hair loss is and how to treat it, keep on reading.

What Is Male Pattern Hair Loss?

Androgenic alopecia, often known as male pattern hair loss, is most frequently experienced by men but infrequently affects women. It is a hereditary disorder in which the testosterone metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT) affects the follicle by slowing down hair growth and ultimately leading to follicular diminution that results in halted hair growth and, consequently, baldness. Research has shown that androgenic alopecia frequently results from a complicated chain of events and the interaction of genes and hormones. Since male pattern hair loss destroys the follicle that promotes new hair growth, it results in permanent hair loss.

How Common Is Male Pattern Hair Loss?

Over 6.5 million males in the UK between the ages of 20 and 60 experience hair loss due to androgenic alopecia, a very common disorder. The baldness does not occur rapidly but often takes decades from the first symptoms for the baldness to fully manifest. The process involves a thinning hairline, a gradual onset, and eventually baldness. According to clinical patterns and observation, the condition starts with the recession of the frontal hairline, then crown or scalp vertex thinning, and finally, the union of the two areas as the condition worsens.

How To Manage Male Pattern Hair Loss?

Hair is the crown of your beauty, and that is not just the case for women, but the visual appeal and attraction of hair are equally important for men as well, which is why the loss of hair is frequently associated with social isolation, stress and low self-esteem. In most cases, hair loss is typically not noticed until it is too late, and not much can be done at later stages.

Lifestyle Modifications

Even though hereditary and hormonal factors contribute to androgenic alopecia, some lifestyle choices worsen hair loss. The severity of hair loss is intensified by a poor diet, excessive stress, and heat styling of the hair. The intensity of hair loss associated with male pattern baldness can be lessened by adopting specific lifestyle choices, such as consuming a diet rich in nutrients, taking supplements that promote hair growth, maintaining good hair hygiene, smoking cessation, and adopting methods for relieving stress.

It is also important to let your hair breathe and avoid subjecting them to tightening hairstyles, including high pony and tight braids. Refraining from subjecting your hair to damaging treatments like harsh dyes, bleaching and chemicals also leads to drastic hair thinning due to damage to the hair and manifests as aggravated hair loss, particularly when coupled with androgenic alopecia.  


The NHS has authorised Minoxidil and Finasteride as two treatments for hair loss, particularly male pattern baldness, that can be used to reduce the rate of hair loss and, in certain cases, promote hair regeneration too. Despite the fact that the effectiveness rate for these drugs varies from patient to patient and that they are only efficient when administered consistently.  It basically means that your hair loss will recur the moment you stop using Minoxidil and Finasteride, often with an increase in intensity. 

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Injections of platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, are a low-cost yet extremely efficient aesthetic procedure used for myriad situations, including hair regeneration. It entails taking a new blood sample, centrifuging it for ten to fifteen minutes to remove red blood cells, and then using the platelet plasma that has been collected by injecting it into the scalp. Injections of platelet-rich plasma must be made numerous times over the course of several weeks; it is not a one-time procedure. Plasma growth factors reduce hair loss and promote hair regeneration.

Hair Transplant

Hair is an essential component of your appearance and personality that can give you a boost in confidence. When a significant amount of your hair is lost due to male pattern baldness, there isn’t much you can do.  Thanks to medical advancements, you no longer have to live with a bald head. Even if you have suffered from androgenic alopecia and lost all of your hair, you can still have a hair transplant to replace the luscious locks on your head. In most circumstances, your new hair will stick with you through thick and thin, giving you back your former confidence.

Hair Restoration With WeCure

Even though they can change your life, cosmetic and aesthetic surgeries are quite exorbitant and not covered by the NHS; therefore, you must spend large amounts of money to get them. According to the NHS, a hair transplant procedure can cost between £1,000 and £30,000, which is enough to drive you bankrupt. The amount of hair loss, the level of care, the type of surgery, and the team’s experience and qualifications all typically increase the cost. In conclusion, having a hair transplant in the UK means you’ll have a restoration of your attractive appearance and your confidence, but you’ll also be impoverished.

You can take advantage of a tempting offer from WeCure to have cosmetic procedures, such as hair transplants, at picturesque resorts in Turkey. Not only do you get to enjoy a vacation while travelling, but you also get to receive exceptional care at a significantly lower cost from internationally trained cosmetic care consultants.

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Photo by Rowan Freeman on Unsplash